Owner & Syllable Assembler
Owner & Syllable Assembler
Owner & Sentence Architect
Owner & Sentence Architect
We’re Sam and Pete and we sell funny t-shirts. Glad you’re here!

Pete's a writer and graphic designer. Sam's a retail content writer. We mouth off so much that we decided to put the overflow in print. We Sell Funny T Shirts is our baby.
Okay, enough about us, because it's time for you to give us your money. (It's the holidays, so don't be a Grinch! Cough it up for the fam. Do it now before you forget.)
Seriously, we wish you peace, happiness, and non-stop t shirt weather whether you buy from us or not. (But you know you want to!)
Sam and Pete
Princess and Prince of underwear with writing on it
3 Shirts = Free Domestic Shipping!